Spring has finally arrived

As people from Germany are telling us since a few weeks how nice the weather is, how often they barbecued already and how nice it is to be outside we were really looking forward to the spring in Finland. Even though that in a few areas you still can find a little bit of snow today was the first spring day in Turku. Not only that we had 14°C (!), but it was a totally different day in all areas. It felt like there was a change in people’s minds and behavior today. It might sound funny, but we now really understand what people were talking about when saying in summer everything is different.

Because of the nice weather we started our day with a little bike tour through Turku. We drove to the open air pavilion and the mill they have here. When coming back to the river we saw that there was a market along it. Walking over the pedestrians’ bridge you could see a lot of nice planted  jonquils (Osterglocken) and there were plenty of people on the street. The market was really nice and nearly half of the booths sold fish, pastries or honey. So we had lunch there, sitting outside and enjoying the day. In the afternoon we saw a lot of kids playing football, families collecting “Weidenkätzchen”  and people running along the river…

It was so nice to experience this day. Finland seems to be a totally different country again.

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