Laskiainen (Shrove Tuesday)

The shrove Tuesday (in Germany Aschermittwoch) is called laskiainen in Finnish. On this day Finns also celebrate some sort of carnival, just different. On this day, it is special to eat laskiaispulla. It is a sweet bun with cream and jam. But besides this, there were several winter ‘sports’ events today. We first went to FASTlaskiainen. At on one of the hills in the city, all the different student unions here competed in sledding. But not with normal sleds, no… they tried to build their own cool sleds. This was really funny to see, even though most of them had problems going down the hill completely 🙂

Laskiainen (Video)

In the afternoon we drove to Hirvensalo, an island just 5 km from town. They have a small hill which has two different slopes. People competed there in making stunts with skis and snowboards. That was really nice to watch. Beside there was a place where we could go sledding. Real fun I can say!

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1 Response to "Laskiainen (Shrove Tuesday)"

  • Mari says: