Kemi Snowcastle

On our long way back we stopped at the snow castle in Kemi for about an hour. It is a building completely made from snow and ice – well, almost. The lights, etc., are not from ice of course 🙂 You walk into the castle through a long tunnel-like path with high snow walls that is guarded by a monster through whose mouth one walks in.

Within it looks bigger than from the outside an features a big courtyard from which one can reach the hotel (the core of the castle), a lookout and a stage. The topic of this year’s castle is cartoons. Therefore, the stage is framed by Mummins and every step within the castle is guarded by cartoon figures. Some of these are Lucky Luke, Mickey Mouse and Snoopy with the rest of the Peanuts (of course). The bar is protected by Batman and Robin against their fierce enemies. It’s pretty funny walking around and seeing all this.

Guests can stay at one of the guest rooms the castle has (simple bed rooms of varying sizes) where you sleep under reindeer skin as far as we’ve seen. You’d probably need this at the constant -5°C they maintain in the building. Also, a chapel has found its place within the castle.

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