Overall Party

Hi everybody,

As we promised you can learn about the Finnish overalls today.
There is a student tradition here in Finland (it is not that old, but fun) that each university faculty has its own overall. So the overalls are different in color and have different logos on them.  Students wear them to different events throughout the year and on parties. But, very important, you don’t wear the whole overall, you tie the upper part around you hips. People put different patches on them. They can be from parties, companies or just what things you like. So every overall gets unique.

This night there was the ESN (Erasmus student network) overall party. Here the exchange students had the possibility to buy overalls. But as Johannes and I preferred to get one from our own faculty we already bought our’s last week (and they are also nicer as the ESN ones are in a lighter blue). So that’s how our’s look – we already have some patches on them 🙂

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